Beautiful Younger Soul,
Christmas is just around the corner and we are about to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Right now, you might find yourself without money for your Christmas dinner or your kids’ gifts. I don’t want you to worry. I need you to trust the Lord. He promised to care for every single one of your needs. He did it for me and for my family.
Every year, I bought and prepared our Christmas dinner and I made sure that my children would have a new set of clothes to wear but that year, we didn’t have money. My children were sad because they wouldn’t have their new clothes or our dinner. I tried to reassure them by telling them that God is good and He was in control of everything. I kept thanking God because I knew He was going supply every one of our needs. It is so hard to trust when things get hard and there comes a point, that we give up, but God doesn’t want that from us. He is our Everlasting Father and as such, He wants to provide every single one of our needs. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:7; “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”.
Just a few days before Christmas we found ourselves without anything to eat. My husband told us to sit at the table like we were going to eat. The only thing on the table were the napkins and a pitcher of water. My children and I looked at each other thinking, “what are we going to eat if the table is empty?” As we were praying to bless the food, we heard our landlord. She was carrying an entire meal that she had prepared for her children that were supposed to visit her but they never arrived. Instead of letting the food spoiled, she decided to bring us the food. God surprised us in that moment. One thing that I’ve understood is that God works in mysterious ways, that leaves us in awe. If you’re going through a difficult time, don’t give up. Call unto your Heavenly Father and He will answer the desires of your heart according to His perfect will. Don’t worry, just trust the Lord your God and call unto Him just as I did.
Again, it was Christmas Eve, we didn’t have money for our dinner or for the Christmas gifts for my children. I could see sadness in my children’s eyes and there was nothing I could do to make them feel better. I kept telling God “I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but I know You’re not going to leave us without a Christmas celebration”. I kept seeing my children’s face and I kept reassuring them that God would supply our needs. It was 7:00 p.m. and finally my husband is home from work. He looked extremely happy and he tells us, “Look, my boss gave me $5,000 for our Christmas celebration”. We were all surprised and my husband explained us that his boss had asked him what our Christmas plans were so my husband explained that we weren’t going to have a Christmas celebration. My husband’s year-end bonus was going to pay some debts. His boss shook his head and told my husband to pick up a box of groceries and $5,000 from the office manager. He told my husband to use the money for our Christmas celebration.
It was 8:00 p.m., we were out buying the ingredients for our Christmas dinner, and we were buying our children a Christmas gift. Here is the thing about God, He is never late or early. He is always on time. I know it’s hard not to worry but leave everything in God’s capable hands and He will answer the desires of your heart. Sometimes, we must be tried by fire to see how we are going to react when adversities present themselves. By thinking that God is capable to do exceedingly, abundantly and more than we could ever imagine,, He will take care of our every need. It was Christmas Eve, and my family and I received one of the greatest gifts, His goodness and His provision.
My dear Younger Soul, trust the Lord. Ask for His provision. Get ready to receive a miracle.
Older & Much Wiser You
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”.
Matthew 7:7 (ESV)